Tax Rizz and its related entities recognise the importance of the privacy of visitors, browsing the website as well as hiring services. Our privacy policy is a part of our commitment to customer service and hence we aim to protect all the details being shared. All the information being collected online is used with the consent of the user, otherwise, we will not collect your personal information.


The purpose of this Privacy Policy document is to spread light on the policies related to the collection and management of personal information we collect from the users of this website. As per the Privacy Act, it is mandatory for our company to ensure the handling of the contact details of website users in accordance with a set of principles.

The Personal Information We Collect

As a responsible entity, we only collect the personal information that is required and necessary to conduct our business and to build strong relationships with the prospective customers as well as share the relevant and useful information on products and services we are offering. Following is the personal information that may be collected:

  • User name
  • Date of birth
  • Contact details (address, telephone numbers, email address, etc.)
  • Tax file number and bank account details
  • Employment details and occupation
  • Current assets
  • Income
  • Investment preferences and aversion or tolerance to risk

Sensitive information

Since we are dealing in the investment and stock market, it is also mandatory for us to collect some sensitive information, especially when the user is going to opt for our services. It is not mandatory for the users to share sensitive information, but highly recommended to avoid any further issues later. The sensitive information we can collect includes your:

  • Health
  • Race
  • Political or religious beliefs
  • Sexual preferences
  • Criminal convictions
  • Association with professional or trade associations or unions

Disclosure of personal information

Tax Rizz deals with various third-party contractors, who may use the personal information provided by the users to perform certain services overseas. For this reason, your personal and sensitive information can be shared with our partners or agents located in a foreign country, such as the USA, Canada, Japan, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, Germany, etc. The personal information is used only for professional purposes and not for promotions.

Personal information and details shared by the users can be also disclosed to another organization in a foreign country if it is mandatory as per the law or required for the performance of a contract between the user and the foreign organisation.

At Tax Rizz, we strongly believe that the sensitive information of users is very important and hence is only shared when it is required by the law. We have been taking the required steps to ensure that the information being shared with another third-party agency or organization is not held, used or disclosed by the recipient of the information inconsistently with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Consequence of not sharing personal information

Providing the required personal information is the sole decision of the website user, which means you can also choose to not share the details being asked, however, not sharing the required details may have various consequences, based on the type of product or services you’re opting for. Some of the consequences of not sharing personal information include:

  • No proper access to the account or facility
  • The requested investment products may not be provided properly
  • In case of missing tax number, there are chances of high tax deductions on investments managed by Tax Rizz
  • The funds may not be deposited to your bank account

Data Security

The security of your data is the top priority for Tax Rizz. Keeping this in mind, we follow comprehensive technical and data safety measures to ensure complete protection of the data, such as personal information and sensitive information. The goal is to prevent access to sensitive and personal information from any kind of unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, etc. However, it is pertinent to mention that nothing in this digital world is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.