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Do You Know That Medical Professionals in Australia Have Access to a Wide Range of Tax Deductions That Can Significantly Reduce Their Tax Liability?

Few are some common deductions available to medical practitioners (considering that these expenses have direct relation to their work):

Tax Deductions

1. Car expenses

2. First Aid training courses

3. Home office costs

4. Insurance incl. income protection insurance

5. Medical equipment & tools

6. Professional development

7. Self-education expenses

8. Subscriptions & memberships

9. Telehealth services

10. Uniforms & protective clothing

11. Work-related travel

Contact TAX RIZZ πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» for expert assistance in calculating your expenses effectively. 😊😊 E:; Ph: (03) 8789 9786